Never put your call-to-action below the fold when you’re designing a website, trying to sell something online or creating content that you want people to see. That’s the rule. Always has been. But on what basis?
Simply put, the term “above the fold” relates to the content that the viewer immediately sees as soon as they visit a web page. The bit above the bottom of the page. On first glance, it seems pretty logical to suggest that tucking a call-to-action – the phrase that encourages visitors to click and convert – above the fold is good practice. After all, your page isn’t going to attract further traffic if the CTA is out of sight from the get-go, right?
Well, not necessarily. There is evidence to suggest that the famous “above the fold” rule is actually outdated and unnecessary in the modern age. Indeed, slapping your CTA at the very base of the page might not be such a toe-curlingly bad idea after all. Here are a few reasons why…
It’s Not About Where The CTA Is…It’s About The Surrounding Copy
Having a CTA in an effective position is a sensible and logical move – there’s no doubt about that. That said, given how there’s such a vast range of websites who are all putting different spins on saying/selling exactly the same thing in the modern day – it’s way more important to put the effort into making your copy engaging, compelling and noteworthy, rather than focusing on where to plonk your CTA.
There’s a baffling amount of junk and recycled copy out there, and high-quality content is what’ll keep a viewer on a webpage and encourage them to click and convert. Focus on generating some original, unique text before worrying about the fold.
People Have Gotten Into The Habit Of Scrolling
It’s difficult to deny that the internet generation have a short attention span. However, this can actually work in the favour of a site that has its CTA situated below the fold of the page.
The more recent generation of internet users are compelled to scroll down screens – scanning a huge amount of information as opposed to taking in small chunks in detail. This scrolling habit probably has a lot to do with touchscreen smartphones, where swiping your thumb downwards is a big part of the navigation process.
Because users scroll so much in the modern day, having a CTA positioned above the fold simply isn’t necessary. Put it wherever you like. As long as it stands out, chances are that site visitors are gonna see it during one of their ever-so-frequent webpage scrolling sessions.
The Most Viewable Position Is Right On The Fold – Not Above Or Below It
As soon as you open up a brand new webpage, the part that’s most viewable (according to research) is the bit that’s slap bang in the middle. In other words, the bit that’s dancing right on the crease of the fold. This means that stretching your CTA button between both sides of the fold isn’t such a bad idea.
By shrewdly placing your CTA right on the crease of the fold, your call-to-action will be visible from the offset – remaining in sight if a reader scrolls down or decides to keep their mouse wheel motionless.